Sunny Cove Beach

Popular Sunny Cove Beach has been both an enjoyable beach and a source of community
interest for many years. Most people are surprised to find out that it is privately
owned property. Recently the owners contacted the County in order to donate this
small-scale beach surrounded by natural bluffs, which is enjoyed by residents and
visitors alike.

Residents of Santa Cruz County have consistently identified the preservation of
open space, especially along the coast, as a high priority. As a coastal community,
the protection of our natural environment is critically important to local residents
and is also a generator of tourism that brings jobs and revenue to our community.

While prospects for any development of this property are unlikely, placing the property
in the public’s control will prevent any future attempts to develop any portion
of this incredible coastal open space. I believe that it would be in the best interests
of the County to acquire ownership of this parcel.

Our County Administrative Officer is working with County Counsel to review this
proposal. They will return to the Board on December 7, 2010, with any necessary
actions for Board consideration regarding bringing this parcel into public ownership.
Click here []
to view a copy of my Board letter that brought this offer of dedication to the Board
of Supervisors.