January 28, 2010 7:00 PM Board Meeting Minutes

Coastal Property Owners Association of Santa Cruz County


Keith Adams
Jim Marshall
Kevin McLarney (East Cliff Drive resident)

Location: Marshall residence, 2-3439 East Cliff Drive, Santa Cruz

Membership report: 455 members
Bank balance: $63,455.50
Director’s insurance renewal premium estimated at $1,691.00 for 2010

Jim Marshall and Kevin McLarney reported that residents on East Cliff Drive are experiencing substantial shock waves from the newly installed seawall. Apparently the removal of concrete rubble is now allowing the full force of wave action to impact the armored sea caves. The shock waves are even being transmitted to homes blocks away from the bluff, possibly resulting from the tiebacks that extend into the bluff face approximately 20′. Jim and Kevin are working with public works, redevelopment, Gary Griggs and John Leopold to reach a solution.

Our planning consultant Ron Powers has been working with the county to implement a “grandfather” ordinance for legally permitted structures that have become nonconforming by changes to building rules. This would allow for rebuilding of existing improvements lost by fire or natural disaster. An exemption has now been included in the Pleasure Point Combing Zone District proposal. Work is continuing on a countywide “grandfather” ordinance to allow for rebuilding of legal nonconforming residential structures which do not impact health and safety.

Ron has billed us $4,783.50 of the $5,000 previously authorized by the board on 5/7/07. Keith motioned that another $5,000 be authorized for Ron’s services. Jim seconded the motion and with Gene Bernald’s proxy, the motion was unanimously passed.

Election of board members was deferred until we have a board meeting with a full quorum (3 board members).

The meeting adjourned at 8:30 PM.