Coastal Property Owners Association of Santa Cruz County
Minutes of May 26, 2005 board meeting

Keith Adams
Jim Marshall
Bill Osberg
Dave DeBoer
Susan Rose – West Cliff
Bill Ruxton – Seascape

Keith stated Rich Berg, Jim Beckett, and Gene Bernald could not attend due to various reasons.

The director’s insurance policy in the amount of $1 million has been obtained with an effective date of May 9. Discussion of liability scenarios ensued. The main issue to avoid is entanglement of CPOA with any GHAD organizations that might be formed in the future.

The question came up as to how we should ally with the Pacific Legal Foundation. It could be seen as adversarial to the Coastal Commission (which we wouldn’t want), but their mission is so complementary to ours that we need to work together. Susan offered to get some advice from the West Cliff organization as they have worked successfully with them. She will pass that information on to Keith.

Keith asked Bill and Susan if they would be interested in becoming board members. Bill wanted to talk with Jim Toney and the rest of the Seascape group before deciding. Susan is interested and has the backing of the West Cliff group. Bill and Susan then left the room.

Keith made a motion, Jim seconded, to add Susan as a board member. Motion passed unanimously. Dave made a motion to add Bill if he agrees to join, Keith seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Bill and Susan then re-joined the group.

Keith will begin work on a solicitation letter for an upcoming membership drive and annual meeting to be held this summer. There was some discussion about having the meeting in mid-September so more people could attend after summer vacations. He requested each board member write a brief statement about themselves to be part of the letter.

Dave suggested the organization write a policy statement that sets the scope for the organization.

The meeting adjourned at 8:45 without setting the date for the next meeting as there was interest in doing more by e-mail as opposed to monthly meetings.