Coastal Property Owners Association of Santa Cruz County
Minutes of December 1, 2005 board meeting

Keith Adams
Jim Beckett
Richard Berg
Jim Marshall
Bill Osberg
Susan Rose
Dave DeBoer

The overall topic for this meeting was a review of 2005. Keith opened with a presentation on 2005 membership data. The next item was the treasurer’s report. A federal tax exemption was recently granted to the organization. There was a discussion and agreement to transfer additional funds to an interest bearing account.

Nominations were opened for officers. Rich nominated Keith for president and Dave seconded it. Keith nominated Jim Marshall for treasurer and Rich seconded. Keith nominated Bill for secretary and Jim seconded. All the nominees were elected unanimously.

The next topic was a discussion of member suggestions from the annual meeting.

“¢ Send out an email to the membership when the web site is updated. If we have to add an opt-out feature, we can do that later. Keith can send out that email now using existing capabilities of the web site.

“¢ Estimate the scope of implementing the full Take Action capability, especially tracking and updating the legislators. Determine if we should we hire a consultant to help with this.

The next discussion was about how to find and link up with other groups around the state. That moved into the need to develop an action plan with a long term vision and a series of steps that lead us there.

For example, here are three high level steps proposed by Jim Beckett:

“¢ Find other groups along the coast that have similar objectives to CPOA. Who are they, what are their resources. Create a dialog with those groups.

“¢ If there are other groups that share our interests and we can create a dialog, integrate those groups into a state-wide organization that can hire a representative to protect those interests in Sacramento.

“¢ Once there is a strong state-wide organization, become active in a state-wide public policy discussion about the fate of the coast of CA. Should it all become public property? At what cost? Try to make the discussion much more explicit than it is now.

Finally, there was a discussion about a proposal by Bill Simpkins to do a one-year trial of an Esplanade for biking and walking along East Cliff Drive from 17th Avenue to 41st Avenue. He would like to use part of the CPOA mailing list, the homeowners on Opal Cliff Drive.

That discussion is not of interest to the entire CPOA, it should be addressed by a subcommittee of the interested officers. Keith nominated Jim Marshall to be the chairperson of the East Cliff subcommittee, Rich seconded, and it passed unanimously. Jim proposed that the East Cliff subcommittee support an evaluation of the proposal by the County, but that we cannot provide the mailing list. Everyone was agreeable to that approach.

The next meeting was scheduled for January 9th at either Jim Marshall’s or Rich’s house.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:10.