Pajaro Dunes HOA letter to the Board of Supervisors

We believe Santa Cruz County
has more leverage with the CCC than you might appreciate right now. Much of the foundation for this LCP has never
been tested either practically or legally, thus putting Santa Cruz County in a position to be subject to historic, ongoing
litigation. As the Coastal Commission says in its letter of Monday, December 9, the county’s first‐to‐go status will provide
a template “that can also serve as a model statewide for other cities and counties to emulate in addressing complicated
sea level rise adaption issues.” In other words, both the county and its coastal citizens/property owners would be the
legal guinea pigs for testing how far many of the terms of the Coastal Act can be stretched. In that regard, the
commission needs you to be a successful example as much as you are dependent upon them to approve your LCP. That
provides the opening for you to continue to push for common sense, practical, workable and environmentally
considerate solutions for guiding future response to sea level rise. We know the planning staff has been trying to thread
that needle and believe strongly that you should continue to press your opportunity.