Coastal Property Owners Association of Santa Cruz County
Minutes of October 8, 2005 Annual Membership Meeting

Board Members in Attendance:
Keith Adams, President
Jim Marshall, Vice-President & Treasurer
Bill Osberg, Secretary
Richard Berg
Gene Bernald
Dave DeBoer
Susan Rose

Membership Attendance: 40

Invited guests:
Jan Beautz, Santa Cruz County Supervisor
Dave Potter, California Coastal Commissioner

Keith Adams opened the meeting with a review of last year’s accomplishments. This included diversifying the board to include representation from various coastal regions of Santa Cruz County, growing the membership to 17% of Santa Cruz County coastal property owners, and establishing a website to improve member communications and promote our interests to elected representatives and government agencies.

Goals for the coming year include:
“¢ Keeping a watchful eye on proposed legislation in Sacramento and locally, with the determination to defeat legislation which could adversely affect an owner’s ability to protect their coastal property;
“¢ Continuing to promote protection of both public and private coastal assets;
“¢ Providing information to our members about coastal issues though the website;
“¢ Reaching out to establish alliances with other coastal property groups to strengthen our voice in advocating our common interests.

The featured speaker was Dave Potter, California Coastal Commissioner and a Monterey County Supervisor. Dave gave an insider’s view of how the Coastal Commission works and answered many questions from members about specific projects and situations. He indicated his willingness to work with applicants and visit project sites to gain first-hand knowledge of permit applications, which are reviewed at Coastal Commission hearings.

Bill Osberg confirmed that a quorum of the membership was present. He announced the board member election results as all eight board members being re-elected to another term.

He then led a discussion about the web site including its purpose, content, and how to get access. It was pointed out that there is a “LOGIN HELP” for first time users so that they may receive their password via e-mail for access to the site. Several suggestions were made about additional features for the site which will be presented to the board for evaluation.

Keith Adams presented a financial summary of the organization indicating that membership contributions and interest income have now exceeded $43,000.

The meeting was then opened for the membership to make comments, suggestions and present questions to the board. The forum discussions included promoting membership growth, improving the effectiveness of the organization, website enhancements and working with other coastal property groups.

The board committed to evaluate and implement those suggestions upon further discussion and approval.

The meeting was adjourned at 4:30 pm.